Thursday, October 05, 2006

The 508

Updates have been light recently, I know. That's not me flaking out on this project. I've simply been consumed by preparing for a rather large event that's kind of occluding everything else in my life right now. I'm talking about the Furnace Creek 508, so named because it's 508 miles, and goes right down the middle of Death Valley (passing through Furnace Creek). This will be my first solo ultra race, and my longest uninterrupted ride ever. So, not only have I been training, but I've also been getting the logistics sorted out, and trying to get enough ahead on my school work that my time down there and subsequent recovery doesn't set me back too much.

But we're down to crunch time now. The event is this weekend, starting Saturday morning at 7 A.M.

Right now, the forecast is for temperatures in the mid-70's for the first third of the ride, daytime highs in around 92 in Death Valley (and nighttime lows in the mid-60's, which is when I will be there), and temperatures in the low to mid 80's in the Mojave for the final stretch of the race. Winds look to be under 10 mph, and generally favorable. If these predictions come to pass, then I could not possibly get better conditions, weather-wise.

In preparation for the race, I took a test to be certified at the technician level to be an amateur radio operator. This will let me use a more powerful radio to keep in contact with my support vehicle. It will also let those of you out there who are interested track my progress at Unfortunately, I have not been assigned a call sign yet, which is what you need to plug into the site to get my position. When I have a call sign you can enter, I'll try to put it up here as an addendum to this post.

I fly down to Burbank tomorrow morning. Pretty soon, all that will be left will be to get on the bike and do this thing. I've just got to keep pedaling, and I certainly know how to do that. Wish me luck.

UPDATE: You will be able to follow my progress by clicking on this link:


Blogger Jim said...

Excellent Blog! I will add you to my tab. I have been meaning to do a post about randonuering too. Your description of the event is well stated. (Nice way of asking if I may steal it with due credit, of course)

Happy riding. My first Brevet in 07, I hope.\

9:58 AM  
Blogger Michael said...


Glad you like the blog, I like yours too. You live in some beautiful country. Of course you can use my description of randonneuring. Happy riding, and good luck on your brevet(s) next year!

11:58 AM  

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